transition to online

Carrie Heller, MSW, LCSW, RPT
Circus Arts Institute
Phone: 404-549-3000
[email protected]
August 14th, 2020
Greetings to our local Circus Community, colleagues and friends near and far.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic (that has gone on for far longer than any of us have anticipated) the Circus Arts Institute (CAI) has been adapting our business model to best maintain our community presence. Since March 12th, 2020, CAI has been offering services online. We have successfully transitioned our therapy services and all trainings to an online format; initially thinking that this would be a temporary solution. But as it turns out, CAI will now complete the transition of all activities to an online format.
Unfortunately, and with great sadness due to COVID-19, we will no longer be maintaining our own physical presence. After the health experts deem it completely safe to gather in groups again, I will re-evaluate how to proceed. In the meantime, I am continuing to see therapy clients online via a HIPAA compliant platform as well as expanding my parent coaching services including Filial Parent training to serve more parents. Although my specialty is working with kids and parents, I also have extensive background working with adults too.
All future trainings will continue to be conducted online at this time. There are a few exceptions for private 1 on 1 training with our trainers at TBD locations in Atlanta. We plan to rent space in Atlanta to conduct our physical portion of our trainings when it is safe to do so as a group. As for our Therapy Groups, unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we cannot run any of our group classes with safety for all and will not be able to anytime soon. Therefore, I cannot see us continuing with this until after health experts say it is OK to do so. When that time comes, again, I will re-evaluate the circumstances.
With this decision, Circus Arts Fitness® (CAF) will no longer be offered at CAI. However, our fabulous teachers will likely be teaching again at other locations within the metro Atlanta area, when it is safe to do so. As our teachers begin instructing again, we will provide their contact information on our site so that you can re-engage with them.
Although we have changed our business model, we are still very much open! We are grieving the loss of our beautiful new space that we moved into Feb. 2019, I'm still in a bit of shock over it all! However, at the same time, I remain in gratitude as we celebrate 33 years of teaching and leading the way for Circus in Atlanta. By being online, we hope to reach more people now!
We will be reviewing and updating our website page by page to reflect our online offerings. Each tab on our webpage will contain more details of our offerings. For example, the children and teen Circus Arts Therapy® group will be different now that it is online. This will take us some time to update each page. Until then, if you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call me at 404-549-3000.
One of the best things that helps to steer me through grief is work, which brings me back to our mission statement Tikkun Olam. Our world is crying out for repair right now. As a Social Worker committed to social justice, I am continuing to learn what I can do to help repair our world starting right here in the United States. I would like to close out this letter by expressing that even though our business is changing, our mission statement remains the same. It is my commitment to continue working toward the repair of our world.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve the community of Atlanta as well as the circus community at large, and I look forward to continuing to do so online.
I hope you all stay safe and well.
With Peace and Flight,
Circus Arts Institute
Phone: 404-549-3000
[email protected]
August 14th, 2020
Greetings to our local Circus Community, colleagues and friends near and far.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic (that has gone on for far longer than any of us have anticipated) the Circus Arts Institute (CAI) has been adapting our business model to best maintain our community presence. Since March 12th, 2020, CAI has been offering services online. We have successfully transitioned our therapy services and all trainings to an online format; initially thinking that this would be a temporary solution. But as it turns out, CAI will now complete the transition of all activities to an online format.
Unfortunately, and with great sadness due to COVID-19, we will no longer be maintaining our own physical presence. After the health experts deem it completely safe to gather in groups again, I will re-evaluate how to proceed. In the meantime, I am continuing to see therapy clients online via a HIPAA compliant platform as well as expanding my parent coaching services including Filial Parent training to serve more parents. Although my specialty is working with kids and parents, I also have extensive background working with adults too.
All future trainings will continue to be conducted online at this time. There are a few exceptions for private 1 on 1 training with our trainers at TBD locations in Atlanta. We plan to rent space in Atlanta to conduct our physical portion of our trainings when it is safe to do so as a group. As for our Therapy Groups, unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we cannot run any of our group classes with safety for all and will not be able to anytime soon. Therefore, I cannot see us continuing with this until after health experts say it is OK to do so. When that time comes, again, I will re-evaluate the circumstances.
With this decision, Circus Arts Fitness® (CAF) will no longer be offered at CAI. However, our fabulous teachers will likely be teaching again at other locations within the metro Atlanta area, when it is safe to do so. As our teachers begin instructing again, we will provide their contact information on our site so that you can re-engage with them.
Although we have changed our business model, we are still very much open! We are grieving the loss of our beautiful new space that we moved into Feb. 2019, I'm still in a bit of shock over it all! However, at the same time, I remain in gratitude as we celebrate 33 years of teaching and leading the way for Circus in Atlanta. By being online, we hope to reach more people now!
We will be reviewing and updating our website page by page to reflect our online offerings. Each tab on our webpage will contain more details of our offerings. For example, the children and teen Circus Arts Therapy® group will be different now that it is online. This will take us some time to update each page. Until then, if you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call me at 404-549-3000.
One of the best things that helps to steer me through grief is work, which brings me back to our mission statement Tikkun Olam. Our world is crying out for repair right now. As a Social Worker committed to social justice, I am continuing to learn what I can do to help repair our world starting right here in the United States. I would like to close out this letter by expressing that even though our business is changing, our mission statement remains the same. It is my commitment to continue working toward the repair of our world.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve the community of Atlanta as well as the circus community at large, and I look forward to continuing to do so online.
I hope you all stay safe and well.
With Peace and Flight,